Tiny House Communities Listing Policy

The goal of the Tiny House Communities site is to be a free, useful resource for people looking for a place to park their tiny house. For that to happen, we all need to follow a few rules.

General Information

Listing on the Tiny House Communities site is free.

Except for featured listings, listings are ordered by their added date.

At any time, you can archive your listing. Once a listing is archived it remains on the site, however, it is removed from search and identifying information such as the listers name, location, and a means of contacting them is removed. The only way to view an archived listing is by having the direct link to the listing.

What Can Be Listed

Locations can be listed as a community if there is either a house or lot available to rent. Existing houses need to be under 400 square feet.

No posts for services are permitted.

Listing Content Guidelines


The title should be a concise, unique description of the listing. It should not be ALL CAPS or include spammy language (e.g. “Let’s make a deal”).

Description and Details

The description should include all of the relevant information for the listing.

All details must be accurate at the time of posting.


A minimum of one image is required for each listing. The images for a listing must include real pictures of the properties current state. Renderings are allowed but cannot be the only images.

Images should not be collages of multiple pictures or include text overlays.

Listing Rules

Communities should only be listed one time. If a listing is discovered to be a duplicate, both the original and duplicates will be removed.

If a moderator determines, at their sole discretion, that any of the above rules have been violated or a listing is of low quality, the listing will be marked as rejected and the seller will have a chance to resubmit it for approval. Blatant violations will be deleted.

Have questions? Then contact us.