Listing Policy

General Information

In most cases, listing on the Tiny House Marketplace is free.

Except for featured listings, listings are ordered by their expiration date.

Listings expire after 120 days. Once a listing expires it remains on the marketplace, however, identifying information such as the sellers name, location, and a means of contacting them are removed.

Standard listings can be 'renewed' after 90 days. This will reset the expiration date to 120 days out and place the listing at the top of the list.

At any time, you can archive your listing. Once a listing is archived it remains on the marketplace, however, it is removed from search and identifying information such as the sellers name, location, and a means of contacting them is removed. The only way to view an archived listing is by having the direct link to the listing.

How to Use the Tiny House Marketplace Website

The Tiny House Marketplace website is easy to use, but if you are having difficulties, please watch the videos below to learn how to navigate the site.

Creating a Listing

Editing a Listing

Contacting the Seller of a Listing


Standard Listing

A standard listing on the Tiny House Marketplace is free. You can optionally upgrade your listing to Premium and Featured.

Premium Listing

To upgrade to a Premium listing there is a one-time charge of $19.95, and your listing will retain the 'Premium Listing' features for the life of the listing. These features include:

  • Unlimited Pictures (standard listings are capped at 10 images)
  • Include a Video in your listing
  • Buyer Questionnaire (quickly determine how qualified a lead is)
  • Additional Newsletter Marketing
  • Renew after 60 days (instead of the standard 90 days)
  • Eye-catching 'Premium' Badge

Featured Listing

To upgrade to a Featured listing there is a one-time charge of $69.95 per listing, and your listing will retain the 'Featured Listing' features for 14 days. After 14 days your listing will convert to 'Premium Listing' and retain those features for the life of the listing. 'Featured Listing' features include:

  • Featured Listing for 14 days
  • Featured listings show up at the top of the marketplace home page as well as the first page of the search*, our two most popular pages.
  • Premium Status once Featured Status Expires
  • Eye-catching 'Featured' badge

*Up to 3 featured listings are shown at the top of the first page of the search. If there are more than 3 featured listings, 3 are randomly selected to be shown.

Pro Listing

A Pro listing is for individuals or companies that use the marketplace to sell multiple homes. Pro listings have a one-time charge of $99.95 per listing. Once you have listed 2 or more homes on the marketplace, all subsequent listings will automatically be required to be listed as a Pro listing.

Listing Guidelines and Rules

The goal of the Tiny House Marketplace is to be a free, useful resource for people looking for a tiny house to buy or rent. For that to happen, we all need to follow a few rules.

What Can Be Listed

Houses listed on the Tiny House Marketplace can be no greater than 500 square feet (not including sleeping lofts).

Listings can only be for houses that are completed or partially completed. No post about houses for which construction has not yet begun are permitted.

No posts for services, for instance “Taking orders for Houses” or “Have solar panels installed on your house”, are permitted.

Content Guidelines

Listing Title

The title should be a concise, unique description of the listing. It should not be ALL CAPS or include spammy language (e.g. “Let’s make a deal”). Titles may also not include emoji's or icons.

Listing Description and Details

The description should include all of the relevant information for the listing. Do not provide a link and ask that readers go to another site to get the details.

All details must be accurate at the time of posting.


A minimum of one image is required for each listing. The images for a listing must include real pictures of the properties current state. Renderings are allowed but cannot be the only images nor the primary image.

Images should not be collages of multiple pictures or include text overlays.

Listing Rules

Houses should only be listed one time. If a listing is discovered to be a duplicate, both the original and duplicates will be removed.

If a moderator determines, at their sole discretion, that any of the above rules have been violated or a listing is of low quality, the listing will be marked as rejected and the seller will have a chance to resubmit it for approval. Blatant violations will be deleted.

Rejected Listings

If your listing has been rejected it is likely due to a violation of the content guidelines above. Please take a moment to review those again.

When a listing is rejected, the moderator will often leave a comment as to the specific reason for the rejection. Below are some of the most common reasons listings are rejected:

Images are Screenshots from a Phone

The images you upload should be original images and not screenshots from your phone. The images shouldn’t have black bars around them nor contain the notifications and battery status of your phone.

screenshot example

Example Phone Screenshot

Blurry or Unclear Images

Images sell houses. If you are using images that are lower quality, you will miss out on potential buyers. Take your photos with a nicer camera or a high-end smartphone. If you don’t have access to either of these, you may consider hiring a photographer.

screenshot example

Example Blury Image

Images are Collages of Other Images

There should only be a single picture of your home in each image, and not a collage or collection of multiple pictures.

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Example Collage Image

Images Contain Text Overlays

Do not add any text to the images. All text should be included in the title and description of the listing.

screenshot example

Example Image with Text Overlays

Images are Renderings and Not Actual Pictures

The primary image of your listing should not be a rendering. Buyers want to see a true representation of the house they are buying. You can include some renders if you want to show what your listing might look like furnished or a different color, but they can’t be the primary image and they can’t be misleading.

screenshot example

Example of an AI Generated Rendering

The Listing is Not for a House, But Instead is a Solicitation

The Tiny House Marketplace is a site for selling existing homes. We don’t allow solicitations for services like home building.

Avoid Being Scammed

The Tiny House Marketplace is a free, open service where anyone can list a tiny house for sale or rent. Tilt Development LLC (DBA Tiny Home Builders) does not validate or verify any of the information contained in the listings. Nor do we play any role in any transaction that may result from a listing on the Tiny House Marketplace. It is your responsibility to verify the information presented and inspect any house prior to paying any money.

Tiny House Scams

Have questions? Then contact us.