The popularity of tiny homes has been increasing over the last 10 years or more. Several reality TV shows have popped up to show us in great detail the excitement of planning for and building a home that is less than 400 Sq Feet. Not to mention that these homes are usually on a trailer which opens up the entire world to our wonder lust! Everyone is in one the game, professional builders, single women, couples young and old, students and recent graduates.
This idea of home ownership has been transmitted to and embraced by younger and younger go-getters, so it should not have been too much of a surprise when we got wind of one amazing young girl who decided to get started early in home ownership. But nonetheless we were shocked when we found out just how old, or young rather, she was. Olivia is 5 years old and she has built her own tiny home! So, I traveled to rural Georgia to see this young girl for myself and hear her story.
Olivia began life as your typical helpless human being and her parents, as good parents do, loved and cared for her. As she grew and developed her parents could not help but realize that she was not like the other babies. It wasn't just that she began speaking in full sentences by the time she was 3 months old (with a British accent they tell me), it was her obsession with Bob Villas television show "This Old House". Every time she heard it come on the TV, she would insist on watching it and then would discuss his techniques at length with her dad, often pointing out design flaws.
For her 3rd birthday Olivia asked for a Home Depot gift card and a hammer. With a bubble pink crayon sketch in hand, she set about building her own big girl bed. It was spectacular! From then on, she began building all sorts of things. She created tables, chest of drawers and even remodeled her parents' closet. As she grew so did her love of building along with her sense of independence. As you can tell, Olivia was gifted. She graduated high school by 4 and enrolled in Georgia Tech soon after. Needing her own space to study philosophical concepts such as Epictetus on Solitude and to entertain fellow geniuses, she began to think about moving out of her parents' home. Fascinated by the tiny house movement she began to design her own. It only took her 5 weeks from conception to completion. I think we all can agree, it's adorable!
In a world where all sorts of farfetched stories circulate around the internet, we hope you got a good chuckle out of this one. No, little Olivia didn't build this tiny house, but she sure looks cute pretending too! We wanted to have some fun introducing you to our new Tiny Playhouse Plan and give you the opportunity to build your own while supporting other children that need your help. All proceeds from your purchase of this $25 plan will go to Shriners Hospital for Children. The first Shriners hospital was built in 1922 and since then they have expanded to 22 other locations helping children regardless of their family's ability to pay. Thank you for your support!
I’m frequently asked what the hardest part of building a tiny house is. People expect that I’ll respond that it’s the electrical or the plumbing (the two tasks that seem to scare people the most), or perhaps attaching the house to the trailer...
For the past 9 years, I’ve been designing and building tiny homes. In that time, I’ve seen EVERYTHING there is when it comes to people making the decision to go tiny. And I’ve noticed a lot of people making the same few mistakes over and over again, even though they are easily avoidable if you know what to look for.
Moisture is one of a builder’s biggest concerns. Water can damage wood, ruin structural integrity and even cause toxic mold which can lead to severe health problems. The good news is with weather and vapor barriers acting as your mold prevention, you will be well on your way to a safe, happy, dry environment.
When you are building a tiny house, there are many potentially dangerous situations that will come up during the construction process. Don’t get discouraged – with a few tiny house construction safety precautions and some properly paid attention, you will be a pro, build a beautiful home and actually live to tell about it. Here are five Tiny House Construction Safety Precautions that will help you know how not to die while building your tiny house.
After building my first tiny house, I figured out that I am not the most comfortable being up on a 13’ high roof. Fear of heights is certainly not uncommon, but whether you like it or not, you are going to have to spend some time in the air during your tiny house construction. Here is some advice on conquering (or at least lessening) your fear of tiny house heights.