This listing 'Tiny House Shell on a Trailer' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Tiny House Shell on a Trailer Premium

+9 photos
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Tiny House Shell on a Trailer
0 beds - 0 baths
For Sale
Built in 2018
98 sq ft
No Land

Update: We have installed cedar window trim, a half light new entry door, forest green metal siding and a light blue paint for the eves and the door. I will add pictures soon... 12 foot tall, 7 foot wide Tiny House ready for floor plan design and finish carpentry. Built on dual axle former motorhome trailer frame by a very experienced carpenter. All framing complete, including: * 16” on center stud walls & 2 x 6 floor joists. * high end casement windows and metal roofing. * interior insulation and some wiring Ready for loft, final electrical box placement, Sheetrock, kitchen, wardrobe & paint. I may have some extra materials for sale at a low cost depending on your design tastes.

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