Please look on Facebook in the Hays, KS area or Salina, KS Craigslist for more details in my ad.
This excellent website doesn’t have space for me to put down all my details on this cool tiny house so please go to Facebook or Craigslist to read more.
We simply did not completely finish it out since we knew the new owner might want to customize it exactly to their own preferences.
Please DO NOT message me or text me with any questions, but rather just call me please.
Call me anytime and my cell phone # is…
I am selling this tiny house, and trailer for $5,800 and no less please since this is my bottom dollar.
You can purchase any of my other items seperately.
I just did not include the other items in the price since you might not want any of them.
Thank you in advance for understanding.
23’8” trailer length from the back bumper to the tongue.
20’8” deck that can be lengthened to 21’8 with one more board on the front.
10 x 8 feet tiny house on top of the trailer and deck.
7’1” long and 8 feet wide wood deck in the front with option to make it 8’1” long if needed with one more board on the front of the trailer where there is plenty of room.
3’6” wood deck on the back
11’6” tall from ground to top of roof so you can get under bridges with no problem.
8” 1.5 inches tall at highest point inside.
6’4” tall and 4.5 feet wide on the big door on side to bring in bigger items or open to let fresh air or sun inside.
5’1” tall on the other small door on the front..
It is built extremely sturdy, yet it is not very heavy at all currently as it only weighs 3,770 with only a 320-tongue weight.
Again, tons more photos & details on Facebook & Salina Craigslist.
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