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Tiny house

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
0 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2021
96 sq ft
No Land

Very specious tiny house. Took my family of four camping in it. Tiny house comes with a bathroom. Flush toilet and warm shower from a 7 gallon water heater. Plumbing is set up for city hook up. Extra line was branched off the system if you want to introduce a water pump so you could be off the grid. It comes with a bed frame that could be placed above the windows. So now two people can sleep in the bed on the 1st floor and the kiddos on top. It has 4 holes for ice fishing and a TV antenna to enjoy some entertainment. Lastly, it has a nice specious fridge and a deep sink.

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