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Tiny house

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1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2021
24 sq ft
No Land

Hi Tiny house with portable terace and slide out. 820x255x320 cm (weight about 5tons) for transpor and, for living 23m2 down and 7m2 up (1m high). Located in Slovenia (Europe). Build as prototipe for checking plans and testing for living expirience. Its good isolated, true wood inside, painted with eco collors, all lights are 12v LED unikat build, hot watter on 220V with possibly to connect hot water panels. All appliance is high quality and new. Two or three people can unpact and prepare to living in 3 hours. Main floor with bathroom (masage shower with bluetooth and radio) home made sink from walnut wood and epoxy, kitchen with all appliance, three gas and one 220 cooking, eating room with extensible table, living room with big glass door and unique seat and main sleeping room, bed from linden wood 200x140 cm with place under. Upstairs are three beds, 200x90cm and small place for playing. Front side with terace and wood facade other three sides and roof from steel becouse of no maintaince. BR

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