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Shell Hospitality Cabins Pro

+34 photos
+33 photos
Financing Available
Tiny House Shell on a Foundation
1 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2023
384 sq ft
No Land

ATTENTION - SHORT TERM RENTAL BUSINESS OWNERS the new breakthrough construction framing that allows to save tons of money and time (and avoid use of nails) - Shell Framing - our first product for the U.S. market will be our most sophisticated product - Shell Hospitality Cabin - which can be delivered and/or built/installed in numerous ways. We believe this product is absolutely unbeatable compared to all similar offers available in the U.S. contemporary market today. Shell Hospitality Cabins are designed in a way which allows you to comply with complex R-Rating Regulations in any region or state. Shell Hospitality Cabins can be purchased individually or in bulk for large scale development projects. You can choose to purchase a fully completed, or move=in ready unit or you may choose to purchase just the frame of the desired size and save money by finishing it using any material of your choosing (from local Menards or Home Depot). Shell Hospitality Cabins can be mounted/installed on any flatbed trailer (gooseneck type of connection is recommended) as they may come in 32, 40 or 48 ft length options and moved around the U.S. as majority other mobile homes (provided that you comply with U.S. oversize shipment regulations). Interior/Exterior Design: As of today, there're basic models of exterior/interior design developed and offered by us, nevertheless, we can develop any type of layout (both interior or exterior) to satisfy the needs of any customers, or you may choose to DIY or by hiring local contractors. Features section has ALL selected. PRICE: Covers a READY unit which you can live in or add to your AirBNB, VRBO or anywhere else to make money! INSURED-100% Ibs Here Inc offers businesses to consider Shell Framing in business for their business projects like seaside, lakeside or oceanside resorts, shopping malls in remote or mountainous areas, residential complexes or commercial developments anywhere in the U.S., Canada or Latin American markets.

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