This listing 'Professional build 2018 Dodge Ram Promaster' has expired. While you can still view the listing, you are not able to contact the seller through the Tiny House Marketplace.

Professional build 2018 Dodge Ram Promaster

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Converted Vehicle
0 beds - 0.5 baths
For Sale
Built in 2020
85 sq ft
No Land

2018 Dodge Ram Promaster 159 wheelbase high roof, professional build, 40000 miles. Very comfortable and cozy. 2 burner induction stove, refrigerator/freezer, sink with hot/ cold water, 10 gallon gray water tank, household style dimmer lighting throughout, full size mattress, webasto heat, marine toilet, air conditioning, shore charging, solar panels, outside hot cold shower, window covers, screens, plenty of storage, trailer hitch and bike rack. This is a studio apartment on wheels.

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