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28' Orange Grove Tiny House

+6 photos
+5 photos
Tiny House on a Trailer
2 beds - 1 baths
For Sale
Built in 2015
315 sq ft
No Land

LOVELY and SPACIOUS tiny house with many windows, high ceilings and spacious lofts. There is a lot of storage space throughout the house that is great for organization. Kitchen has full sized appliances (included in price) with large cooking area. Kitchen cabinets have multi-drawers and shelves, great for storing. There are hookups for a combined washer/ dryer underneath the stairs. **Built by professional contractor on a brand new quality 3 axle trailer** 315 total square feet with lofts Bamboo Flooring Cedar wood siding and ceiling Metal Roof Instant inline propane heater Separatt Composting Toilet Shell stained and re-sealed in Jan 2018 Mini Split 18,000 BTU- heats and cools house, no problem! House can run on 110 or 240 volts but mini split needs 240 volts Well insulated in walls, ceiling and floors House carefully maintained Serious offers only, please.

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